VLCM Foundation Blog

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Elise Vandersteen Bailey

Elise Vandersteen Bailey
Elise is VLCM's Foundation Specialist. She handles the blog, social media, and emails and is the main contact for all things VLCM Foundation. She has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Utah's College of Health in Exercise and Sports Sciences with a minor in Sociology focusing on Health and Medicine. Elise is continuing her education at the University of Utah through a dual degree graduate program, studying Health Policy in the Master of Public Policy program and Health Systems Research in the School of Medicine's Population Health Sciences PhD program.
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Recent Posts


Foundation to Give Foursome to HCI for a Second Time

At 2017's United Against Cancer charity golf tournament, we tried something new for the first time: inviting experts from Huntsman Cancer Institute, giving them the opportunity to golf, and...


United Against Cancer Golf Tournament Raises $112,000 for Cancer Research

VLCM Foundation held its annual United Against Cancer golf tournament on September 13th. This year, as always, Huntsman Cancer Foundation will receive every cent raised from the 10th such event, a...


VLCM Foundation Donates Tournament Foursome to HCI

As VLCM Foundation grows, we want to make a point of focusing on cancer and cancer research rather than just golf (although the golfing is amazing if we do say so ourselves). In keeping with this...


VLCM Foundation Awarded GuideStar's Gold Seal of Transparency

VLCM Foundation has received GuideStar's Gold Seal of Transparency for the 2017 year.

GuideStar is the world's largest information source for non-profit organizations. They encourage charities...


Why Hasn't Cancer Been Cured? It's Complicated

In 1971, in the wake of the eradication of polio and the first man on the moon, then-President Richard M. Nixon signed a bill into law called the National Cancer Act. Jon Huntsman, Sr., served on...


7 Things You Should Know About Huntsman Cancer Institute

1. Despite being smaller and younger than many of the top cancer centers in the world, Huntsman Cancer Institute is the world leader in discovery of inherited genes that confer susceptibility of...

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