VLCM recently conducted an extensive survey covering several prime areas of IT initiatives and planning. This survey solicited the expert perspectives of many top IT professionals, and we found the resulting answers to be very instructive and telling. Take a look at what we found in this, the fourth of ten articles regarding the VLCM IT Survey responses.
Virtually There
With virtualization becoming more and more prevalent in networks everywhere, VLCM was interested in determining what the numbers were in respects to our assumptions. When we polled a number of IT professionals on the subject, the results affirmed our preconceptions. The graph to the right shows the resulting poll.
Of those professionals who took the survey, 50% confirmed that 80% or more of their environment was virtualized. Additionally, another 20% answered that virtualization solutions comprised 60% - 80% of their environment—amounting to 70% of those polled. With numbers such as these to represent the need for and popularity of virtualization solutions, VLCM is happy to see that we are serving our customers' needs well.
VLCM and Virtualization Implementation
When it comes to fitting virtualization solutions into your infrastructure, VLCM is expert and experienced. VLCM partners with the industry leaders in virtualization, such as VMWare and Microsoft, in order to offer our customers the best solutions.
Whether you’re considering virtualization for the first time, or you’re ready to upgrade or revamp your approach, let VLCM help you streamline the process and make it as easy as can be.