Nth Symposium was at the end of August 2014 and one of the keynotes was delivered by Portman Wills. Portman is the Chief Data Scientist at the Game Show Networks Games. Portman discussed how they log every action taken by gamers and with HP Vertica, they use that information to improve their users' experience and drive higher revenue.
By Calvin Zito, @HPStorageGuy
For me, the keynote did a great job of making big data real and specifically how HP Vertica is used to get the insights that Portman discussed. So Portman graciously said yes to my request to talk to him (he had a flight shortly after his keynote ended) and I think you'll find this as interesting as I did.
Also at Nth Symposium, I had Jeromie Jackson, Director of Security and Analytics give me an overview of both HP Vertica and HP Autonomy for for analyzing social media. It's another real world example of how big data can be leveraged with analytics. Jeromie helped me understand what kind of social media monitoring capabilities Vertica and Autonomy have. Here's that video.
Hope you enjoy your weekend. View a deep dive into big data and how it can benefit companies of all sizes. VLCM is a platium HP partner, certified to provide service and thought-leadership to other IT professionals. Subscribe to our blog to learn more.