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Maximizing Cybersecurity with Microsoft 365: A Look at M365’s Essential Security Features

Written by Jessica Caley | Dec 7, 2023 3:15:00 PM

Microsoft 365 is a cornerstone in modern enterprise technology, essential for productivity and collaboration. Yet, its effectiveness hinges on the diligent activation and management of its built-in security features. This blog post highlights these features effectively to foster cyber hygiene and build cyber resilience. 

Strengthening Security in Microsoft 365: A Unified Approach

Microsoft 365's security is built on a partnership model. While Microsoft equips the platform with robust security controls, the effectiveness of these measures relies heavily on how users manage and configure them. This synergy is crucial to fully harnessing the security potential of Microsoft 365. Following this overview, we will examine the key components of Microsoft 365's security strategy: embracing the Zero Trust Model, exploring the integrated security features, and understanding the ransomware mitigation and recovery capabilities, all of which are essential in strengthening your organization's defense against cyber threats.


Embracing the Zero Trust Model:

Central to Microsoft 365's defense strategy is the Zero Trust security model. This model is not just a set of technologies but a philosophy that underpins the entire security architecture of Microsoft 365. It operates under three fundamental principles:


  • Verify explicitly: Always authenticate and authorize based on all available data points.
  • Use least privilege access: Limit user access with Just-In-Time and Just-Enough-Access (JIT/JEA), risk-based adaptive policies, and data protection.
  • Assume breach: Minimize blast radius and segment access. Verify end-to-end encryption and use analytics to get visibility, drive threat detection, and improve defenses.


Unlike conventional intranet access, which trusts everything behind an organization's firewall, Zero Trust treats each sign-in and access as though it originated from an uncontrolled network, whether it's behind the organization's firewall or on the Internet. Zero Trust requires protection for the network, infrastructure, identities, endpoints, apps, and data.


Microsoft 365 Integrated Security Features:

To leverage Microsoft 365’s security framework, utilize the following capabilities and features. The majority of these features require Microsoft 365 E5 or E3 licensing. Some E3 licensing may require a Microsoft 365 Security add-on. Please refer to this documentation for more information

  • Security Baseline:

    • Microsoft Secure Score: Assesses and suggests improvements for your security configuration. 
    • Attack Surface Reduction Rules: B suspicious activities and content, reducing vulnerability to cyber attacks.
    • Exchange Email Settings: Protects against email-based attacks like phishing. 
    • Security Configurations for Windows, Edge, and Microsoft 365 Apps: Provides standard security settings to prevent attacks. 


  • Detection and Response:

    • Microsoft Defender XDR: Integrates threat signals for incident detection and automates responses. 
    • Microsoft Defender for Identity: Investigates compromised identities and insider threats using AD DS signals. 
    • Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Guards against email, links, and collaboration tool threats. 
    • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: Detects and responds to threats across devices. 
    • Microsoft Entra ID Protection: Automates detection and remediation of identity-based risks. 
    • Defender for Cloud Apps: Secures Microsoft and third-party cloud services against lateral movement and data exfiltration. 


  • Identity Protection:

    • Microsoft Entra Password Protection: Blocks common and custom passwords for cloud and on-premises accounts. 
    • MFA with Conditional Access: Enforces MFA based on user sign-in properties. 
    • Risk-Based Conditional Access with MFA: Leverages Microsoft Entra ID Protection for MFA based on user sign-in risk. 


  • Device Management:

    • Microsoft Intune: Manages devices and applications. 
    • Microsoft Defender Firewall/Antivirus/SmartScreen: Protects against network threats, malware, and suspicious files. 
    • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint: Provides advanced device threat protection. 


  • Information Protection:

    • Controlled Folder Access: Prevents ransomware by checking apps against trusted lists. 
    • Microsoft Purview Information Protection: Applies sensitivity labels to protect data. 
    • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Prevents inappropriate sharing of sensitive data. 
    • Defender for Cloud Apps: Governs data movement to prevent exfiltration. 


Each of these features contributes to a layered security approach, essential for safeguarding your Microsoft 365 tenant against various cyber threats, including ransomware.


Ransomware Mitigation and Recovery Capabilities:

A ransomware attacker infiltrating a Microsoft 365 tenant poses significant risks, potentially holding your organization for ransom by:


  • Deleting files or emails: Causing loss of critical data and communication.
  • Encrypting files in place: Rendering important documents and data inaccessible.
  • Copying files outside your tenant (data exfiltration): This leads to breaches of sensitive information.


However, Microsoft 365's online services are fortified with various built-in capabilities and controls to shield customer data from such ransomware attacks. These capabilities are designed to respond to incidents where an attacker has gained access to a user account and its associated files and resources. It's important to note that an attacker without valid user account credentials would face the challenge of decrypting data that Microsoft 365 has secured with default and enhanced encryption.


The platform's resilience against ransomware includes:


  • Versioning and Recycle Bin in SharePoint and OneDrive: These features enable users to restore previous versions of files and recover files that have been deleted, offering a layer of protection against the deletion or encryption of files.
  • Files Restore Functionality in SharePoint and OneDrive: This tool allows administrators and users to revert files to a state from the past 30 days, providing a robust solution to recover from ransomware attacks that alter file contents.
  • Email Safeguards: With single-item recovery and mailbox retention policies, Microsoft 365's email systems are equipped to recover from ransomware attacks that target email communications, ensuring continuity and security of correspondence.


Engaging actively with these security features allows organizations to significantly enhance their cybersecurity within Microsoft 365, creating a more secure and resilient digital environment against ransomware threats. For more comprehensive details on how Microsoft protects customer data and the various aspects of malware and ransomware protection in Microsoft 365, as well as information on encryption and key management, refer to Microsoft's official documentation on these topics.


Bolstering Microsoft 365 Cybersecurity with Veeam and Barracuda Backup Solutions

Effective backup and recovery solutions are vital components of a solid Microsoft 365 security strategy. As data becomes increasingly crucial for operations, its protection against accidental loss, cyber threats, and compliance issues is paramount. Backup solutions like those offered by Veeam and Barracuda, in partnership with VLCM, are critical in ensuring data integrity and availability. These solutions provide not just a safety net for your valuable data but also offer the flexibility and control needed for efficient recovery and compliance management, making them key to maintaining a secure and resilient Microsoft 365 environment.


Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365:

Veeam offers a comprehensive and adaptable backup solution for Microsoft 365, safeguarding your data against accidental deletion, security threats, and retention policy gaps. Key features include:


  • Extensive Backup Capabilities: Veeam Backup allows for regular backups of Microsoft 365 data, adhering to even the most stringent recovery point objectives (RPOs). It covers all major Microsoft 365 services, ensuring complete data protection.
  • Granular and Flexible Recovery: The solution offers unparalleled flexibility in data recovery, enabling full or granular restores to the original or alternate locations or users. This includes the ability to recover individual folders, files, or even entire Microsoft 365 organizations.
  • eDiscovery and Global Search: Veeam provides powerful search-and-find capabilities, essential for meeting compliance and regulatory requirements. The global search feature allows quick retrieval of documents across all users and sites, facilitating efficient eDiscovery processes.
  • Deployment and Infrastructure Choice: Veeam Backup can be deployed on-premises, in a hyperscale cloud, or with a service provider. It offers freedom in storing backups on-premises or in the cloud, on any platform of your choice, ensuring infrastructure flexibility.
  • Large Scale and Efficient Recovery: The solution is capable of recovering multiple Microsoft 365 users in a single operation, minimizing downtime and manual effort. This is particularly beneficial for large-scale recovery scenarios.
  • Compliance and Security Assurance: With its comprehensive backup and recovery options, Veeam Backup helps organizations meet compliance requirements and secure their Microsoft 365 data against various threats.

Read our blog: Why Microsoft 365's Native Recovery Tools Fall Short and How to Fill in the Gaps


Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup:

Barracuda offers a secure and easy-to-use backup solution for your Microsoft 365 data. Its features include:


  • Extensive Coverage: It supports a wide range of Microsoft 365 applications, including Teams, Exchange Online, SharePoint, OneDrive, and OneNote, ensuring comprehensive data protection across the platform.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The globally accessible interface is designed for ease of use, allowing for quick data recovery. Fast search and filter options streamline the restoration process, making it efficient and straightforward.
  • Visibility and Control: Administrators have complete oversight of backup status and health, with detailed reporting features for monitoring and managing backups and restores. Customizable email notifications keep you informed about all backup activities.
  • Granular Recovery Options: Barracuda provides the flexibility to restore Microsoft 365 data with precise detail. Its full SharePoint support means you can backup and restore various site templates, custom lists, permissions, and metadata, offering versatility in data recovery.
  • Cloud-First Strategy: As a SaaS solution, Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup eliminates the need for additional hardware or software management, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking for a cloud-centric approach. Data encryption in transit and at rest assures security and compliance.


Conclusion: Maximizing Microsoft 365 Cybersecurity

The journey to maximizing cybersecurity with Microsoft 365 is multifaceted, encompassing a range of strategies from adopting the Zero Trust Model to implementing specific security features and tools. As we've explored, these elements form a comprehensive defense against various cyber threats, including ransomware. However, the effective activation and management of these features require not only knowledge but also experience in tailoring solutions to specific organizational needs.


At VLCM, we specialize in bridging the gap between the powerful capabilities of Microsoft 365 and the specific requirements of your business. Our team brings a wealth of experience in deploying and optimizing Microsoft 365 environments, ensuring that your cybersecurity infrastructure is not only robust but also aligned with your operational goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your security posture, improve collaboration, or streamline IT processes, VLCM stands ready to provide the guidance and support you need.


As Microsoft continues to evolve its security offerings, VLCM remains committed to keeping our clients at the forefront of cybersecurity. We encourage you to reach out for a personalized consultation. Let us assist you in harnessing Microsoft 365’s capabilities to build an effective security shield for your organization.