VLCM Foundation Blog

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Elise Vandersteen Bailey

Elise Vandersteen Bailey
Elise is VLCM's Foundation Specialist. She handles the blog, social media, and emails and is the main contact for all things VLCM Foundation. She has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Utah's College of Health in Exercise and Sports Sciences with a minor in Sociology focusing on Health and Medicine. Elise is continuing her education at the University of Utah through a dual degree graduate program, studying Health Policy in the Master of Public Policy program and Health Systems Research in the School of Medicine's Population Health Sciences PhD program.
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Recent Posts


Frequently Googled Questions: Cancer Statistics

Get ready for a post answering some of the questions most frequently googled about cancer, focusing on statistics.


Alcohol can cause cancer too?

We’ve mentioned it in passing before, but it’s not exactly common knowledge that alcohol is a known carcinogen—it causes cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, “The research evidence...


What Happens After You Sign Up for the Tournament?

Now that you've registered for the Huntsman Golf Classic hosted by VLCM Foundation, you may be wondering what happens next, especially if this is your first year at the event.


HCI Breakthrough Seven Years in the Making

Gliomas are tumors that arise from the cells in the brain and spinal cord that surround nerves. They’re the most common type of tumor that develops in the area. Despite this, scientists have...


What is a Carcinogen?

Can bacon really cause cancer? What about paint? Alcohol? What is a carcinogen, anyway?


Finding the Problems So They Can be Fixed: Rural Cancer vs. Cancer in the Cities

A recent study under the direction of Huntsman Cancer Institute researcher Dr. Mia Hashibe has examined disparities in cancer survival and incidence between Utah's metropolitan and rural areas.


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