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Golf Tournament brings in $136k for Huntsman Cancer

Written by VLCM | Oct 1, 2015 9:16:00 PM


This year’s tournament, held on September 16, was graciously hosted by Wasatch Mountain Golf Course in Midway, Utah. Complete with two courses nestled in the red, orange, and yellow autumn hills of the Wasatch Mountains, we were greeted with stormy weather and slick greens. The morning began with a full continental breakfast from the clubhouse cafe where our golfers received swag bags filled with golf shirts, Rockwell watches, and “Nike bucks” to spend on golf clothing, shoes, and other gear at our exclusive Nike tent.

Teeing off from either “Lake” or “Mountain” course, golfers drove off to play their best scramble-style game with cart covers to shield them from the cold Wasatch rain. Our sponsors were spread out between the two courses with many hosting contests ranging from longest drive to black jack. One skilled golfer even made a hole-in-one. 

18 holes later, complete with a hot dog and Rita’s Frozen Custard break,  attendees piled into the clubhouse for lunch and prize giveaways. Gifts were presented to the top 6 teams and prizes ranging from gift cards to Apple watches were raffled off to the golfers. We also heard from VLCM’s VP of Technology, Josh Linton about the importance and impact of cancer research, and from HCI’s Develop Officer, Brandon Plewe about their cancer research efforts.

Warm thanks to all donors, sponsors, and volunteers for this incredible tournament. It is with confidence that we raise and deliver 100% of the tournament proceeds to HCI and all of their dedicated research. To continue their efforts in researching cancer genetics, treatments, and other like programs, please donate here.

Thank you Sponsors!