VLCM Blogs - Learn How To Get IT Right


Written by Jared Quan | Apr 7, 2015 7:30:00 PM
Thanks to the consumerization of IT, the BYOD (bring your own device) or BYOT (bring your own technology) explosion continues to expand beyond the previously estimated scope of 1-2 devices per person, leaving companies and even schools doing everything in their power to keep up. With an estimated 75% of companies allowing this expansion, there has been a struggle with a variety of problems. One of which is reliable and consistent coverage.


Last week Chris Penrose, Senior Vice President of AT&T’s Internet of Things Solutions for Mobility talked with Forbes about the vital roles that connectivity will play for companies, and the strategies that will need to be considered in order to keep up. Penrose said, “Today Industrial IoT offers many examples of how a process can be made more efficient by minimizing downtime or improving the information accessibility. For example, a plant manager can receive real-time notifications when equipment fails on the line. A plant manager that is walking the plant floor could also use IoT, analytics and visualization tools to gain access to the efficiency of each machine, view production from any location, and reduce time to decision and action.” He went on to explain that there are several different applications across the spectrum of companies and problems, the key is that everything is connected.

No matter how you look at it wireless coverage will play a pivotal role in a company’s ability to expand, deploy viable strategies, or explore possible workforce tactics. The best way to deal with coverage before it becomes a problem is to undergo a wireless site survey. A survey will give you a layout of your site and the estimated number of AP’s you would need to shore up any holes and weak spots. Each company and workspace is as different as a fingerprint, and an estimate for one company might be overkill or under perform in another company's environment. That's why it's important to survey your unique environment. 

The best thing to do is to reach out to a company like VLCM with  trained on the complexities of how to walk through a good site survey. We are able to offer a solution that will deliver the required wireless coverage, network capacity, and Quality of Service. With successful surveys, VLCM has been able to help schools and businesses create a plan and execute a successful deployment. I highly recommend you take a look at this video that contains a great testimonial from Alpine School District. VLCM proudly partners with HP and Aruba to deliver the best in wireless to our customers.  Contact us today if you are interested in a site survey or a free RF plan.