VLCM Blogs - Learn How To Get IT Right


Written by Jared Quan | Mar 19, 2015 3:00:00 PM

 I had the honor of being the VLCM representative who covered the presentations in the salon, and had the opportunity to work with our partners – Matt Seeley with Seagate, Cliff Fano of Storagecraft, and Bob Ashmore presented for VeloCloud.

Seagate – Matt Seeley

“Cloud Disaster Recovery”

Matt Seeley presented at VLCM IT Exchange with his over 16 years of infrastructure and support experience as a rep for the well-established Seagate Corporation. He started by talking about Seagate's Evault Cloud Disaster Recovery Service. It isn’t hard to see the shift in markets. With the 24/7 mentality of being always connected, a business needs to be always on, with very low tolerance for downtime, and do much more with a lower IT budget.

Staggering estimates of $1.6 million of annual revenue loss to midsize businesses is attributed to unplanned downtown. On an hourly basis companies are averaging a 90k loss. Seagate’s solution is offering IT resiliency through its cloud offering. The Evault Cloud Disaster Recovery Service keeps businesses up and running, with SLA options of 1, 24, & 48 hours. Seagate has expert teams of specialists who manage the process for you, even storm tracking and early warning alerts.  For more details about these excellent offerings, take the time to review the full presentation through the link listed below, and if you have any questions we will be more than happy to answer them for you.

“Cloud Disaster Recovery”




Storagecraft – Cliff Fano
“Building a Successful Disaster Recovery Plan”

Cliff Fano has over 14 years of IT leadership experience, and presented at VLCM IT Exchange as Storagecraft's Channel Account Manager. He started his presentation explaining what people think about when you mention the word "disaster". Typically people relate disaster to a fire, earthquake, tornado, and most recently in the news floods and hurricanes. All these examples are legitimate disasters, even for your data center. As it turns out 57% of companies don’t have a disaster recovery plan, and of those that have a plan in place, only a handful successfully test their solution on a regular basis.

Storagecraft described how to strengthen your disaster plan and save your business. The first step is evaluating your IT environment. When preparing for a potential disaster, write everything down and don’t skimp on the little things. Starting with an overabundance of information helps you narrow down to exactly what you need in a solution. Using tools like a remote monitoring and management (RMM) tool can help save time and gather invaluable pieces of information. Once you have a good handle on your information and understand the scope of what you are looking for, you are in the right place to start establishing RTO and RPO. This is where solutions like Storagecraft come into play. Please take the time to review the full presentation through the link listed below and contact your VLCM sales representative for more information on a successful disaster recovery plan for your business.

“Building a Successful Disaster Recovery Plan”


VeloCloud  - Bob Ashmore 

“WAN. Reinvented: Transforming the Internet with VeloCloud”

Bob Ashmore was the last presentation in Salon I during VLCM IT Exchange. With a rich history of networking experience, Bob presented for VeloCloud as a Sales Engineering Director. He started off by challenging the traditional concept of a WAN. VeloCloud offeres a cloud delivered SD-WAN, meaning a company with several branches could operation on the same secured WAN with no traditional configuring. With three simple components, Edge, Cloud Gateways, and Orchestrator, companies have a zero-touch, scalable network at their fingertips.

Another benefit to the VeloCloud solution is the consolidated WAN management, which offers a multi-tenant managed IT portal for fast provisioning. This solution delivers a complete solution with a mix of Cloud network, software-defined WAN, and virtual services. For more details about this offering, please take the time to review the full presentation through the link listed below. VLCM's partnership with VeloCloud ensures you're getting the flexible, scalable network your company needs.

“WAN. Reinvented: Transforming the Internet with VeloCloud”


It was a tremendous experience to be part of a great show. Please continue to follow this four-part series by subscribing to our blog. More topics to come include presentations by Kirton McConkie, inContact, Health Equity, and First Choice Home & Health.