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How to Sell Cybersecurity Investments to Executives: A Guide for IT Professionals

Written by Jessica Caley | Oct 17, 2023 3:15:00 PM

In every organization, the conversation around cybersecurity often feels like a tale of two cities: On one side, IT professionals understand the looming threats and the dire need for robust cybersecurity measures. On the other, business leaders, executives, and board members may view cybersecurity as a technical concern rather than a critical business imperative. This disconnect hinders the adoption of essential security measures and exposes the organization to unnecessary risks.



The aim of this blog is to bridge that gap. We will delve into the multifaceted reasons—financial, regulatory, and reputational—why ignoring cybersecurity is no longer an option for any business. Furthermore, we will provide actionable insights and a framework to help IT professionals present a compelling case for cybersecurity investments to their peers, board members, and executives.


By the end of this read, you'll be equipped with the arguments and data points necessary to turn cybersecurity from a line item into a business priority.


Lead with Financial Ramifications

When discussing cybersecurity with your leadership, always lead with the financial ramifications. Frame the conversation in terms they understand: the bottom line.


Talk About the Direct Costs of Data Breach

Present to executives that the average cost of a data breach is now over $4.45 million, encompassing legal fees and damage control. Make it clear that this is not just an IT problem but a business problem with concrete financial impact.


Discuss the Loss of Customer Trust

Emphasize to your leaders that lost trust equates to lost revenue. Point out that restoring customer trust is both time-consuming and expensive. Use metrics on customer retention and lifetime value to quantify this aspect.


Highlight Operational Disruptions

Explain that cyber attacks can result in operational downtime, affecting revenue streams and increasing costs. Use historical data or industry benchmarks to illustrate how operational disruptions could impact the bottom line.


Legal Repercussions Are Real

Alert them to the reality of potential legal repercussions, fines, and penalties that can follow a breach. Share examples of businesses within your industry that have faced such consequences.


Break the 'It Won't Happen to Us' Myth

Leaders may believe that a cyber attack is unlikely. Dispel this myth by referencing credible data. Quote Cybersecurity Ventures' "2022 Official Cybercrime Report," which projects the cost of cybercrime to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025. Point out that cybercrime isn't decreasing; it's escalating rapidly, impacting companies across sectors.


Lead with Regulatory Compliance Liabilities

When discussing cybersecurity, emphasize that compliance isn't just about ticking boxes; it's a financial liability that directly impacts the bottom line. If your organization must be GDPR or HIPPA compliant, lead with how ignoring regulatory compliance could significantly impact financial resources.

Break Down the Penalties

Clearly present the potential fines associated with non-compliance. Explain that GDPR could mean up to €20 million or 4% of global turnover. Specify that CCPA violations could be $7,500 each. For healthcare sectors, mention the range of HIPAA fines, from $50,000 to $1.5 million annually.


Highlight that these are not just "what-if" scenarios; companies are incurring these fines now due to inadequate cybersecurity. Use current examples of businesses in similar industries that have been fined to make the point more tangible.

Caution leadership that non-compliance isn’t a one-time error. Repeated violations mean compounding fines, further draining financial resources. Use metrics or case studies to illustrate the multiplier effect of ongoing non-compliance.

Read our Cybersecurity Compliance Guide for Financial Institutions


Directly Address Reputational Risks with Leadership

If your brand's reputation is a cornerstone of your value proposition—and it likely is—then leading with the long-term liabilities of reputational risk is crucial when speaking to executives. Here's how:


Quantify the Intangible

Acknowledge that while financial costs are easily measured, the erosion of brand reputation has a long-lasting and possibly irreversible impact. Use data, such as customer churn rate or decline in net promoter scores, to make the intangible risks palpable.


Emphasize Customer Perception

Point out that customer loyalty is often tied directly to trust. A cybersecurity incident can fracture this trust, causing immediate revenue loss and long-term customer value. Stress the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures as a defense of this crucial asset.


Discuss Ripple Effects on Partnerships

Make leadership aware that the fallout from reputational damage extends to business partners. Highlight that a breach could lead to strained relationships, renegotiated contracts, or even severed partnerships, each with its own economic consequences.


Highlight Market Position Vulnerability

Explain that any reputational damage provides an opportunity for competitors. In industries where brand reputation is as valuable as intellectual property, a cyber incident can invite competitors to move in on your market share.


Outline the Long-Term Costs

While initial recovery efforts may have a price tag, stress that the costs of re-establishing a damaged reputation extend far beyond immediate expenditures. The impact on customer acquisition and retention and the need for increased marketing efforts can burden the organization for years.


By framing the discussion in these terms, you convey to leadership the urgency and the multifaceted risks involved in neglecting cybersecurity. Reputational risks are not mere line items; they are complex liabilities that can debilitate your organization's competitive stance and financial health for years to come.


How to Frame Your Argument

In this section, we will provide a roadmap for IT professionals to create an impactful PowerPoint presentation aimed at persuading executive leadership to invest in cybersecurity. The core strategy is to speak their language—focusing on business risks, operational efficiencies, and financial metrics that offer a concrete ROI. We recommend keeping slides to no more than three bullet points and avoiding technical jargon. 


Structuring Your Presentation


Slide 1: Opening Argument

  • Set the stage by aligning cybersecurity with business risks.
  • Briefly outline the ROI focus of the presentation.


Slide 2: ROI & Efficiency

  • Shift the narrative from cost avoidance to value creation.
  • Use concrete examples, such as how much time or money a particular tool can save the company.


Slide 3: Direct Financial Impact

  • Relate the uptime gains to the company's daily or hourly revenue.
  • Utilize industry-specific data to demonstrate the cost of downtimes.


Slide 4: Risk Mitigation as a Business Goal

  • Discuss how strategic investments in cybersecurity reduce critical business risks.
  • Use accessible language, avoiding technical jargon that may not resonate with executives.


Slide 5: Identifying Current and Potential Cybersecurity Gaps


  • Detail the areas where the organization is most vulnerable, using risk assessments or third-party audits as evidence.
  • Highlight unknown gaps as potential minefields that could be as hazardous as known vulnerabilities.
  • Position proactive cybersecurity investment as a method to fill these gaps, making it not just a cost but a safeguard for business continuity.


Slide 6: Concrete Metrics and KPIs

  • Present key performance indicators (KPIs) that correlate with business objectives.
  • Offer a clear picture of how cybersecurity measures affect these KPIs.


Slide 7: Closing Remarks

  • Recap the financial and operational benefits of the proposed cybersecurity measures.
  • Reiterate the urgency and invite questions or further discussions.


Leveraging Metrics

Use relatable metrics that align with business objectives, such as potential revenue gains or efficiency increases.


ROI Breakdowns

Use data to calculate potential savings or efficiency gains. If possible, contrast this with the costs of potential data breaches or compliance fines. To learn more on how to structure this section, we highly recommend this Tech Target Article, “How to calculate cybersecurity ROI with concrete metrics.” 



Provide a one-page summary or actionable steps as a takeaway. Offer to host a follow-up meeting to address any concerns or questions.



Navigating the disconnect between IT imperatives and executive priorities can be challenging. However, it's crucial for any business's long-term viability and competitiveness. By adopting a results-focused approach grounded in concrete metrics and a clear ROI narrative, IT professionals can elevate cybersecurity from a technical concern to a business imperative. 


This article has provided you with actionable insights, from outlining the financial ramifications of an inadequate cybersecurity strategy to framing your argument in terms that resonate with executive leadership. With cybercrime on the rise, there's no room for complacency. Armed with these strategies, you're better prepared to make a compelling case for cybersecurity investment, turning risk mitigation into a strategic advantage for your organization.


Know that VLCM is here to help you fill in security gaps. To talk to our team, visit www.vlcm.com/cybersecurity to get started.