VLCM Blogs - Learn How To Get IT Right

Creating an incident response plan in six steps:

Written by Jessica Caley | Apr 13, 2023 2:15:00 PM

Assessing your organization's readiness for a security incident and preparing a response plan are crucial steps in minimizing the impact of cyber threats, which are constantly evolving in frequency and complexity. In this blog, we will discuss the steps you can take to assess your organization's readiness for a security incident and develop an effective incident response plan. We will cover key topics such as identifying critical assets, creating an incident response team, identifying potential threats, developing a response plan, and testing and updating the plan. By following these six steps, you can protect your business from cyber threats and ensure that you are prepared to respond quickly and effectively in case of a security incident. 



Step 1: Identify the critical assets: 

Start by identifying the critical assets in your organization, such as databases, servers, and applications. Determine the potential impact of a security breach on these assets and the business as a whole.


Step 2: Create an incident response team: 

Form an incident response team that includes representatives from IT, legal, human resources, and public relations. Define their roles and responsibilities and ensure that they have the necessary training to respond to security incidents.


Step 3: Identify potential threats: 

Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential security threats, such as malware, phishing, or denial-of-service attacks. Prioritize these threats based on their likelihood and potential impact.


Step 4: Develop a response plan: 

Based on the identified threats and critical assets, develop a response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in case of a security incident. Define communication procedures, containment and eradication steps, and recovery processes.


Step 5: Test and update the plan: 

Regularly test your incident response plan to ensure its effectiveness and identify any gaps or weaknesses. Update the plan as necessary to reflect changes in the threat landscape, business processes, or IT infrastructure.


Step 6: Provide training and awareness: 

Educate your employees about the importance of cybersecurity and provide training on how to respond to security incidents. Make sure that your team knows how to access in case of an incident.



By following these steps, you can assess your organization's readiness for a security incident and develop an effective incident response plan that can help you respond to incidents quickly and minimize their impact on your business. For a more thorough look at creating an incident response plan, download our Incident Response Plan Template